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Three restaurant critiques - Orlando / Florida Guide

Florida Guide > Dining

Three new restaurants I tried this trip were Chilis, Sante Fe and Millers Orlando Ale House. I thought I would give my review of them here for your perusal


At first we thought this was a nice inexpensive restaurant as the staff were so nice and welcoming, but the food let it down badly. I ordered fajitas, which for those of you that don’t know is a sizzling plate of steak or chicken cooked with onions and peppers. Well first off the meat (I had steak) was inedible. It looked like the bits they cut of a sirloin before they served it whole to somebody else. It was tough, gristly and not at all cooked in the middle. There absolutely no seasoning on it at all. We were not offered any sides at all – not even bread rolls.

My husband had a burger, but again there was no seasoning in the burger at all. But as the manager was really apologetic and didn’t charge us for the food, just the drinks, we decided we would try it again.


This time I had the fish (Telapia) and it was very over cooked and dry and not very hot. My husband had steak which was not hot and very fatty and gristly. So that one is on our NEVER AGAIN list.

Sante Fe

This is a very unsophisticated cowboy style restaurant with peanut shells all over the floor, but the food was wonderful. The steaks could have been cut with just a fork they were so tender. Apart from what we ordered, we had bread rolls, salad and endless refills of sodas. The ambiance was great fun and they start you off with a bucket of monkey nuts to eat (and told us to throw the shells on the floor). This one will be a definite favourite as it was also very inexpensive. Can you see a pattern forming here? – yep, we’re cheap!

Miller Orlando Ale House

In a word – AWFUL. The restaurant has huge TV screens on every wall showing eight different types of sport with sound off but loud music playing. Half an hour after we arrived they turned the music off and turned on the commentary on one of the screens showing an American football game – it was so loud we couldn’t chat anymore (although it was pretty hard with the music on)

To top all this off, the food was not good. I had a cheese burger with fried onions. Well, the burger had no seasoning, the cheese was runny and it tasted like mayonnaise and the onions were definitely not fried, they had been boiled in water – yeukk. My husband had fajitas and although the meat was good, it wasn’t seasoned. Again, we were not offered any sides or even bread rolls.

So all in all, Sante Fe was an absolute winner.

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