Florida Trips Guide
You are probably on this site due to the fact you are hiring a car while in Florida, so we have put together some articles about interesting places to visit in Florida that will require a car.
There are articles covering a variety of subjects and we aim to add to the list on an on-going basis. All articles in our Florida Guide have been written by people that spend a lot of time in Florida and were keen to share their experiences.
Use the menu to the left of the page to select a category of places to visit. Click on any category to see a list of articles within the category, then click on an article title to see the article in full.
We actively encourage you to submit articles to us if you have visited anywhere you feel may be of interest to the general public. There are many regions in Florida not yet discovered by tourists and we may need your help to uncover them! You do not need to be a regular visitor to Florida in order to contribute provided you have something interesting to write. You can email any articles for our review to info@uscarhire.com and state whether you would like you name included on the articles. Any text you submit to us most be your own work and not copied from any other source.
There are currently 987 articles in the Florida Trips Guide.